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Post 16 Transition: What to do next?


Schools and colleges have open days/evenings for potential students. We will inform pupils of any dates but sixth forms tend to hold Open Evenings in January/February. Coleg Gwent offers Open days on more than one occasion throughout the year. You should attend open evenings for all the places you are interested in. It's your chance to really find out what places are like and to ask questions that will help you make a decision.

Things to find out: 

1 How easy is the school/college to get to? (This is very important)

2 What facilities are there? (e.g. sports/library/computers etc.)

3 How many students are there? 

4 What is the class size like?

5 Did previous students get good exam results? 

6 What did previous students progress to? (e.g., jobs or future degree courses)

7 What support is available to students?

Applying for next September

Make sure that you get your application in as early as possible. Some courses are very popular and fill up quickly. You need to have applied at least by the Easter holidays. Some popular schools/colleges have application deadlines as early as December. 

What are my Post 16 Options?


Image result for coleg gwent btecColeg Gwent


Here at Coleg Gwent, we’ve got a range of full time courses to choose from – hundreds in fact! Why not follow in our students’ footsteps who achieved a 97.7% A level pass rate last year?

There really is something for everyone; from A Level subjects such as Music and ICT, to vocational courses in Engineering, Art and much more.

So apply today, you’ll be studying at one of Wales’ top performing colleges! Click on the subject areas below to find a course suitable for you. Please note, some courses are only available at specific campuses – this information is available on every course page.

Please see the below link which will give you information on how to apply to Coleg Gwent online.

Coleg Gwent (Online Application)


Sixth forms in other schools

Pupils may choose to go to an alternative school to study in their sixth form. Local schools include King HenryVIII in Abergavenny.

logo King HenryVIIIKing Henry VIII School - Home

 01873 735349


Image result for Hereford College Logo. Size: 96 x 100. Source: www.application.careers Hereford Sixth Form College Welcome to Hereford Sixth form college


Careers Wales 

Careers Wales provides free and impartial careers information advice and guidance to support anyone making education or employment decisions. We are here to help young people and adults make career plans and decisions, to move into the right training, further learning or employment opportunities. Our services focus on supporting customers to develop self-awareness and aspirations to equip them to make effective career decisions throughout their lives.

Click here for more information from Careers Wales and how to get in touch with our Careers Adviser here at Abersychan.


But what do you want to study ....
Why choose A-levels? 

A-levels are academic qualifications you can study post 16. They are very well regarded by universities and employers. 

Choosing A-levels - What you need to consider 

If you are thinking about taking A-levels you need to choose subjects that you enjoy, and subjects that you believe that you will do well in, and that will help you to get where you want to go in the future.

After A-levels many students go on to Higher Education at 18/19 whilst others look for an apprenticeship or a job or a combination of these. You need to make sure that your choice of A-level subjects allows you to keep all of your options open if you haven't got  a specific career in mind or will help you get the career or job you would like to do. 

Things to consider

A-levels are a big step up from GCSEs - they are harder so choose your subjects wisely. Your career or degree ideas may change so make sure you choose subjects which you like or can do well in. If you have a career or future degree in mind, check to see if you will need specific A-levels. Look at the job profiles on the national careers service : nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk





You or your family might be concerned that continuing in a sixth form or going to a college of further education might cause financial problems. An Educational Maintenance Allowance ( EMA ) is  still available  in Wales in order to provide financial assistance for pupils staying on in school and further advice and guidance on this matter can be obtained either from your careers adviser or from the EMA helpline ( 0845 6013636). For example, it will be possible for your parents to continue to claim child benefit until you are 19 as long as you stay in full time education. 

The EMA, worth £30 per week is available if you are 16-18 years old. If your household income is under £23,077, you may be eligible. To receive EMA you will need to contact Student Finance Wales - you can apply online or complete a written application form. 

The Learner Support Fund (LSF) is available if you are in receipt of EMA/WGLG or if you are in care, a care leaver or have been identified as vulnerable. It can be used to assist you in buying equipment, with childcare costs, with free meals and with bus pass costs.  Applications can be found in colleges and with  your Post 16 providers.


Student Finance Wales: 0300. 200 4050

Local Education authority

Torfaen County Borough


Tel: (01495 ) 766920/(01495) 766918