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Homework Tips for Parents

Homework is set

  • For children to practise, reinforce and extend work that is taught in class;
  • To enable teachers to find out whether or not pupils have understood the lesson;
  • To help children develop skills of independent time management;
  • To develop a strong work ethic.

Establishing a homework routine at home

  • Step 1. Find a location in the house where homework will be done.  Some children prefer working quietly and work best at a desk in their bedroom. Other children are easily distracted and will need to work by the dining room table or in the kitchen, so that parents can  help keep them stay on task and answer questions when problems arise. Ask your child where the best place is to work. Both you and your child need to discuss pros and cons of different settings to arrive at a mutually agreed upon location.
  • Step 2. Make sure there is a clear workspace large enough to set out all the materials necessary for completing assignments. Try to ensure your child has access to various stationery such as pencils, pens, highlighters, rulers, scissors, a dictionary and thesaurus, glue, a calculator,  and where possible, a computer or laptop.
  • Step 3: Sit down with your child regularly and look through their planner.  Help them learn how to manage their time and organise extended pieces of writing.
  • Step 4. Establish a homework time. Your child should get in the habit of doing homework at the same time every day. The time may vary depending on the individual child. Some children need a break right after school to get some exercise and have a snack. Others need to start homework while they are still in school mode (i.e., right after school when there is still some momentum left from getting through the day). In general, it may be best to get homework done either before dinner or early in the evening. 

Please see the below link which will take you to the Class Charts login screen and this is where Homework is uploaded. Parent logins have been issued to pupils but if you do not have a login please contact the main office.

Class Charts - Parent Login